Thursday 12 May 2016

More Woodland Walks

The weather in April was either cold with hailstorms or unseasonably hot! 
Whenever possible my husband and I continued with our evening walks in the local woodlands.

This doe checked us out before continuing to graze.

The birdsong was beautiful!

The weather has warmed up again now we are in May, although we are still getting a lot of rain!  We have been harvesting the wild garlic on our walks.
I love walking along these ancient footpaths, imagining the people that may have trod them in the past.

Back in our village and the banks beside the roads are covered in primroses and violets at this time of year.
Almost home and we met Maurice who was out on the prowl!
It's hard to walk when a cat keeps throwing himself onto your feet! :)
Last week we drove to the next village where our favourite woodland is situated.
We were greeted by a sea of blue in the woods where masses of bluebells were growing.  Just as we walked up the road we saw a hare hopping along the verge, then he magically disappeared into the bluebells.  I was so amazed that I didn't even reach for my camera!

We also saw squirrels and deer in the woods. 

There is also a bird hide at the edge of the woods, overlooking the wetland.

Time to head back to the car,
walking through the bluebells one more time.

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