Sunday 4 May 2014


Yesterday we decided to celebrate May Day by attending the Beltain event at Butser Ancient Farm.
The weather was glorious!
 We parked the car and followed the footpath through the fields.
 Butser Ancient Farm consists of reconstructed buildings, mainly from the Iron Age.  There is also a Roman Villa.
 The Iron Age village.

The round houses are based on ones found at archaeological sites around the UK.

 We admired the birds of prey

 and spoke to various people demonstrating crafts from the Iron age.
 The main event of the evening was the burning of the 30' tall Wicker Man.
My Husband is just over 6' tall and this photo gives some idea of just how big the effigy was.

 The event had a lovely atmosphere and didn't feel overcrowded at all.
 As the sun set a small fire was lit in front of the Wicker Man
and dancers performed at his feet.
Then it was time to set him alight.

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