Sunday 31 March 2013

Days 87 to 90

Day 87 of 365
Still chilly here and Maurice has found a warm place to be - in front of the tumble drier! If the oven was on he would sit in front of that! :)
Day 88 of 365
Toasting the marzipan on the top of the Simnel cake and being careful not to burn it!

Day 89 of 365
A sunny day at long last!  This pond is near our local garden centre and the trees were glowing orange in the sunshine as we went into the garden centre.  Those dark skies produced rain just as we got home.
Day 90 of 365
Easter Sunday means a visit from the Easter Bunny and chocolate for Fay and Jay.  We aren't seeing Fay until tomorrow so her delivery will be slightly delayed.
Hope you are all having a Happy Easter, Pj x


Jelly Jam said...

Happy Easter PJ! Your simnel cake is making me hungry for marzipan. I'm considering raiding the fridge and pinching a bit off the open block that I know is in there!!

thesnailgarden said...

Hi Ellie. Happy Easter to you all. I love marzipan too! Best wishes, Pj x